Caspar Kolster — Facilitation \\ Process Design


EN \\ Caspar Kolster is a facilitator and process designer. He works with clients from the private and public sectors, as well as NGOs. His core expertise is in designing participatory, effective, and engaging processes, and facilitating meetings.

Since 2019, Caspar Kolster is one of the founders and current director of APROPOS-Advancing Process in Politics, an NGO dedicated to exploring, applying, and spreading more deliberative and fit-for purpose decision-making processes in politics.

ES \\ Caspar Kolster es moderador y diseñador de procesos. Trabaja con clientes tanto del sector público como del privado y con ONG. Su experiencia principal se centra en el diseño de procesos participativos, eficazes y estimulantes a través de la moderación de talleres y reuniones.

Desde 2019, es uno de los fundadores y el actual director de APROPOS-Advancing Process in Politics, una ONG que investiga, aplica y difunde procesos más deliberativos y aptos para tomar decisiones políticas.

DE \\ Caspar Kolster ist Moderator und Prozessdesigner. Er arbeitet mit Kund*innen aus dem öffentlichen wie dem privaten Sektor, sowie mit
Nichtregierungsorganisationen. Sein Kerngebiet ist die Gestaltung und
Moderation von partizipativen, effektiven und interaktiven Workshops.

Seit 2019 ist er Mitbegründer und aktueller Geschäftsführer der APROPOS-Advancing Process in Politics gUG, einer NGO die deliberativere and zielführendere politische Entscheidungsprozesse durch Forschung, Anwendung und Trainings verbreitet.

In Deutschland arbeitet Caspar Kolster mit (r)evolutionäre ideen zusammen.

Selected References \\ Referencias Destacadas \\ Ausgewählte Referenzen:

Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung process design and facilitation for the 20th and 21st foreign policy conferences [with APROPOS]

Banca Intesa Sanpaolo facilitation for an adaptve leadership training course for the international talents program [with Sistema Italia]

Klima-Allianz Deutschland process design for and facilitation of the yearly strategy retreat [with (r)evolutionäre ideen]

MINE-Mapping the Interplay between Nature and the Economy communication design (pro bono) for a knowledge platform on ecology and economics

Union Sozialer Einrichtungen e.V. facilitation of the yearly strategy retreat [with (r)evolutionäre ideen]

Marshall2Me Workshop Series concept, process design and facilitation of a workshop series with young professionals [with German Marshall Fund]

Open European Dialogue process and communication design,
facilitation and project management for a network of 200 members of parliament from across Europe [with German Marshall Fund]

Landkarte Suffizienzpolitik communication design for a knowledge platform on sufficiency politics [with (r)evolutionäre ideen]

Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes coaching for social entrepreneurs
awarded with a government scholarship [with (r)evolutionäre ideen]

Contact \\ Contacto \\ Kontakt

mail [at]